The WIN Option lies strategically along the main Golden Culvert Gold Trend where it projects approximately 11 km directly southeast of the Main Discovery area (Figure 1). The WIN Option has been subjected to minimal historic exploration which has neither been gold-focused nor occurring within the projected gold trend. Even so, one historic off-trend grab* sample yielding 0.52 g/t gold,100 g/t silver and 0.63% lead has been confirmed by the Company’s 2020 due diligence site investigation which yielded two outcrop samples assaying 0.64 g/t gold, 155 g/t silver,1.25% lead and, 0.46 g/t gold, 28.8 g/t silver, respectively. Recent sampling of hornfels-altered country rock between two known intrusive units returned gold grades up to 8.5 g/t Au and 516 ppm bismuth.
- Outcrop of sheeted gold-bearing quartz veins in hornfels-altered contact aureole between two mineralized quartz monzonite intrusives
- Up to 8.53 g/t Au, 155 g/t Ag, 516 ppm Bi
- Exposed gold-bearing quartz veins have a periodicity of 1-10 per metre
- Distinctive RIRGS assemblage and zonation patterns in surface rock geochemistry
- Boundary (Outer) Discovery Zone: Ag-Bi-Pb-Te-As-Sb-Co-Au
- Inner Zone B: Au-As-Te-Bi


Gold-bearing sheeted quartz veins
in hornfels-altered rock